Monday, March 21, 2011


Ulangan 33:27
"Allah yang abadi adalah tempat perlindunganmu, dan di bawahmu ada lengan-lengan yang kekal. Ia mengusir musuh dari depanmu dan berfirman: Punahkanlah!"

Bacaan Kitab Setahun: Mazmur 80; Roma 8; Ulangan 7-8

Lengan-lengan yang melindungi mengungkapkan kelemahlembutan yang penuh kasih dari Bapa di Surga. Di tengah masalah dan kesulitan, manusia memerlukan tempat perlindungan. Tempat untuk bersembunyi. Tempat di mana tak seorang pun dan tak satu pun dapat menyentuhnya.

Ketika Anda sedang dalam situasi yang susah, ucapkan kata-kata ini, "Tuhanlah Tempat Perlindunganku!" Lakukan berulang kali sampai perkataan tersebut meresap ke dalam jiwa Anda. Perkatakan itu terus sampai Anda memahaminya. Sampai Anda yakin bahawa tidak ada yang dapat membuat Anda takut.

Hayatilah kata-kata itu bukan hanya sampai rasa takut Anda hilang, tetapi sampai Sukacita mengalir masuk. Yakinlah bahwa Lengan Allah tak mengenal lelah dan sangat aman. Lengan-lengan yang kekal itu telah teruji dari zaman dahulu kala dan tetap berkuasa sampai hari ini.

Allah adalah tempat terbaik untuk berlindung di kala taufan badai menyerang kehidupan kita.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Birds and Wings

An old legend says that God first created birds without wings. Sometime later, God made wings and said to the birds, "Come, take up these burdens and bear them." The birds hesitated at first, but soon obeyed. They tried picking up the wings in their beaks, but found them too heavy. Then they tried picking them up wit their claws, but found them too large. Finally one of the birds managed to get the wings hoisted onto its shoulders where it was possible to carry them.

To the amazement of the birds, before long the wings began to grow and they soon had attached themselves to the bodies of the birds. One of the birds began to flap his wings and others followed his example. Shortly afterwards, one of the birds took off and began to soar in the air above.

What had once been a heavy burden now became the very thing that enabled the birds to go where they could never go before...and at the same time, truly fulfill the destiny of their creation. The duties and responsibilities you count as burdens today may be part of God's destiny for your life, the means by which your soul is lifted up and prepared for eternity.

Don't be afraid of pressure. Remember that pressure is what turns a lump of coal into a diamond. You know the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:3,4


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tsunami Strikes Japan

It was 4 in the evening (11th march 2011) when i first aware that another Tsunami hits our fellow country Japan , and after the struck i able to watch the breaking news and video on YouTube that broadcasting live , an update actually in my office and i was like, this is unreal and my heart racing faster when a breaking Malaysia news mentioned that people in Labuan and Sabah must be alert and keep away from beaches as Meteorology Department released a warning to stay away from beaches from 6pm to midnight.I managed to update that breaking news at my Facebook to warn as many people as i can.

Actually i have no intention to write about this , but i was kind a hot and mad how people in Malaysia reacted with this situation that i can described it as a very very bad nightmare for Japan. When people in Japan sorrowfully mourning their family , friends , relatives and everybody that affected or lost their soul , here in Malaysia mostly they expressed it with sympathy and prayed for the victims , BUT in this horrible situation there are heartless people or parties that stupidly , insanely , or should i say 'P***MAK PUNYA URANG" showed their concerned by making statement like an uneducated person and its not helping at all . For an example is this Malay actor Fizz Fairuz made a twit in his twitter like this "Where all the Ultramen,power rangers and Doraemon in this terrible Tsunami situation in Japan"?....even in his statement mentioned Power Rangers , Power Rangers is not from Japan , its US shows...double stupid...what a mentality , if i ever see you in my sight, you will taste my Selipar Jipun,...another moron is Berita Harian's cartoonist , how educated but with uneducated thought. So so not being sensitive.

In this situation , all we can do is pray for Japan for their soon recovery and be strong to face all of this , we trust in our God Jesus , they will through this with our supports and pray and as well our donations if any.We also pray for sustainable peace in our country.Amen.

See that group of people wiped by that giant wave made me feel very sad.


The Generous Vegetable Seller

After the morning hustle and bustle, the atmosphere at Tai-tung county’s Central Market quietens as every stall shuts for the day and their owners return to the comfort of their homes. A lone lamp shines on a vegetable stall. With head bowed, Chen Shu-Chu silently sorts out the vegetable leaves as she waits for the occasional afternoon customer. Decades of hard work have caused the fingers on the right hand to curl and joints to swell; her feet have deformed slightly.

Chen leads her life with a daily routine – waking up at three in the morning, she makes her way to the vegetable wholesaler and sets up her stall, which she tends till seven or eight in the evening. Being the first to arrive and last to leave, the other stall owners have fondly given her the title of ‘market manager’.

Chen's frugality has allowed her to donate over $3000,000 to many charitable causes. Photo: Marc Gerritsen

In the dark and damp market, Chen, nearing her sixties, holds the stall her father left her dearly. Yuan-Jin Vegetables is her everything. With her vegetables selling at “a bundle for 30 dollars, three bundles for 50”, Chen earns only marginal profits. Yet, her frugality has allowed her to donate about NT$10 million ($321,550) towards various charitable causes, including helping schools, orphanages and poor children.

The selfless generosity of a woman with such humble income has placed her under the international spotlight. In March, Forbes magazine named her one of 48 outstanding philanthropists from the Asia-Pacific region. A month later, TIME magazine selected the year’s top 100 influential people and Chen emerged under the ‘Heroes of Philanthrophy’ category. Fellow Taiwanese and Oscar-winning director Lee Ang wrote her entry personally. “Money is only worthy if given to those in need,” he quoted Chen. He also wrote, “Amazing, but of all she has given away, her greatest gift is leading by example.”

Despite the honour of receiving the TIME award in New York, gaining global recognition, and a personal meeting with President Ma Ying-jeou, all Chen really cares about is her vegetable stall. If not for President Ma and the foreign minister personally convincing her to go, she would not have agreed to visit New York as she felt “this is not a competition and I did not win anything”. Amid the frenzy of applying for a passport and preparing for the visit, Chen’s main concern was that her regular customers would not get their vegetables.

Chen has become a celebrity in Taitung county. Local authorities decorated her stall with congratulatory posters and banners hailing her as the ‘Pride of Taitung’ and the ‘Model of Philanthropy’. There are fans who turn up at the stall with a vegetable basket and a camera, hoping for a picture with Chen. Despite all the attention, Chen remains humble. “I have done nothing extraordinary and everyone who wants to can do it. There are many other charitable people; we just don’t know about them.” Chen, who is unmarried, adds, “I do not place great importance on money. When I donate to help others, I feel at peace and happy, and I can sleep well at night.” She also feels for the poor having experienced hardship in her younger days.

Born in 1950, Chen lost her mother after completing her primary school education. Her mother was admitted to hospital due to difficulties in labour and the family had to pay an insurance of NT$5000 ($160) before medical attention could be granted. Chen saw her father asking their neighbours for money but it was too late to save her mother. The eldest daughter in the family, Chen had to grow up overnight. She gave up her studies and dedicated her life to helping at the vegetable stall.

When she was 18, her younger brother fell sick and the illness dragged on for over a year, gradually depleting the family’s savings. Doctors suggested the family send her brother to Taiwan National University Hospital, but how could they afford the fees? Huang Shun-zhong, a teacher at Ren-ai Primary School, started a donation drive. Unfortunately, her brother could not be saved.

After experiencing the kindness bestowed upon her family, Chen made up her mind to help the poor once she was able. When her father passed away 17 years ago, Chen, a devoted Buddhist, generously donated NT$1 million ($32,140) to Fo Guang Shan Monastery. In 2000, she donated NT$1 million to her alma mater, Ren-ai Primary School, to set up an “Emergency Relief Fund” to help poor children obtain financial help.

Assisting in the setting up and maintenance of the fund is Li Guorong, who teaches Chen’s nephew. In 2001, Li had a plan to build a library for the school and estimated the cost to be between NT$4 million and NT$5 million. When he approached Chen, in the hope that she might contribute NT$50,000, Li was shocked when Chen said she would fund the entire project. While the school was sceptical, Chen was determined. In May 2005, the two-storey library was completed and named “Chen Shu-Chu Library” in honour of the ‘Vegetable Market heroine’ alumnus. She had donated NT$4.5 million.

Chen’s ability to donate such large sums of money has led many to ask, How can a mere vegetable seller earn so much?

“Spend only what you need, and you’ll be able to save up a lot of money!” says Chen. Since 1996, she has been donating NT$36,000 ($1150) to help three children in the Kids-alive International organisation. To achieve this, Chen explains that she empties her loose change into three little cardboard boxes at home every night. “This is a simple act that can be done by anyone, isn’t it?” says Chen.

Chen leads a very simple life without any luxuries. Neither does she have any desire for material gains nor any form of enjoyment. Work, she says, is her enjoyment. “I love my work. If I didn’t, would I be able to work 16 hours a day?” All she needs is food and a place to sleep. Everything else is a luxury.

Has business improved after winning the award? “Business is as usual,” Chen says. “I still need to sell my vegetables, not much has changed.” Advertisers have approached her to film commercials, financial managers have offered to manage her finances and other well-wishers have offered to donate money. Chen rejects these advances politely. “It is easy to return borrowed money, but difficult to return a favour,” she says.

“My philosophy in life is simple: If doing something makes you worried, then it must be a wrong thing. If it makes you happy, then you must have done the right thing. What others say is not important,” says Chen. She is content with what she has and feels that as long as she “lives a life she wishes for and does the things she wants, that is good enough”.

Taken from


Monday, March 14, 2011

Chris Median - What Are Words

Everyone should be like Chris Medina.

You don't need to win American Idol to achieve your true talent and success. You have already won the hearts of millions people in the world, including mine.


Sunday, March 13, 2011


“ Kemudian ia ingin mati, katanya: ‘Cukuplah itu ! Sekarang, ya Tuhan, ambillah nyawaku, sebab aku ini tidak lebih baik dari pada nenek moyangku.’” 1 Raja-Raja 19:4b

Di masa-masa sukar seperti sekarang ini banyak orang mengalami tekanan hidup yang sangat berat, sehingga mereka menjadi frustrasi, kecewa, dan putus asa. Keadaan inilah yang dimanfaatkan Iblis untuk membisikkan hal-hal negatif ke telinga mereka. Banyak orang Kristian yang dapat berkata, “ Segala perkara dapat kutanggung di dalam Dia yang memberi kekuatan kepadaku.” ( Filipi 4:13 ). Namun, firman itu tidak terukir di dalam hatinya sehingga ketika kesulitan atau permasalahan datang mereka pun lupa akan firman itu. “ Segala perkara dapat kutanggung.. .” bukanlah karena siapa kita ini, tapi karena kita memiliki Dia yang lebih besar di dalam kita, yang memberi kekuatan kepada kita.
Pengalaman hidup Elia dapat kita jadikan pelajaran yang sangat berharga. Di atas gunung Karmel ia mengalami kemenangan yang begitu gemilang atas nabi-nabi Baal. Ia berhasil membunuh 450 orang nabi Baal. Dan ketika Izebel mendengar bahwa Elia telah membunuh semua nabi Baal, Izebel menyuruh seorang suruhan mengatakan sesuatu kepada Elia, “Beginilah kiranya para Allah menghukum aku, bahkan lebih lagi dari pada itu, jika besok kira-kira pada waktu ini aku tidak membuat nyawamu sama seperti nyawa salah seorang dari mereka itu.” ( 1 Raja-Raja 19:2 ). Ternyata, ancaman Izebel ini menjadi 'senjata' efektif untuk melemahkan Elia, padahal Elia adalah seorang nabi Allah yang besar dan baru saja mengalahkan semua nabi Baal dengan pertolongan kuasa Allah yang luar biasa. Hanya kerana mendengar ancaman Izebel Elia menjadi tawar hati. Ia mengalami ketakutan yang luar biasa, melarikan diri ke padang gurun dan duduk di bawah pohon serta berkata, “ Sekarang, ya Tuhan, ambillah nyawaku,...”

Peristiwa ini tak ubahnya seorang Kristian yang baru saja mengalami pertolongan dan keajaiban Tuhan serta menang dalam peperangan iman, lalu Iblis kembali menyerang dengan pencubaan kecil. Kita yang seharusnya tetap berdiri kuat malah menjadi panik, takut dan ragu akan kuasa Tuhan !

Kita memiliki Yesus yang luar biasa dan Mahasanggup. Tidak ada alasan untuk kalah kerana masalah yang ada !


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