Monday, October 24, 2011


when you see this, don't just keep it to yourself, go tell your friends out there not to waste the food and water that we have. there are people out there who are desperate for it.

This is one more reason why we have to thank God for the food that we can have easily.But in the otherhand....ironicly, we still waste the food that we buy I feel very GRATEFUL for what I have today.......We are so Blessed for the wonderful works of God's hand in our life today, just think of this ..............

'I felt very fortunate to live in this part of the world. I promise I will never waste my food no matter how bad it can taste and how full I may be. I promise not to waste water. I pray that this little boy be alleviated from his suffering.

I pray that we will be more sensitive towards the suffering in the world around us and not be blinded by our own selfish nature and interests. I hope this picture will always serve as a reminder to us about how fortunate we are and that we must never ever take things for granted.

Think & look at this...when you complain about your food and the food we waste daily...' MAY ALL HUMAN BEINGS BE FREE FROM SUFFERING!!!!
Please don't break this, keep on forwarding it to all our friends. On this good day, let's make a prayer for the suffering in any place around the globe and send this friendly reminder to others.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pesan & Peringatan Tuhan Di Akhir Zaman

Ada seorang anak kecil kelas 4 SD yang selalu mengucap syukur dalam keadaan apapun. Ia tinggal di suatu desa Milaor, Camarines Sur,di Negara Filipina. Setiap hari untuk sampai ke sekolahnya ia harus berjalan kaki melintasi daerah yang tanahnya berbatu dan menyeberangi jalan raya yang berbahaya dimana banyak kendaraan yang melaju kencang. Setiap kali berhasil menyeberangi jalan raya tersebut, Andoy selalu mampir sebentar ke Gereja untuk berdoa. Tindakannya ini diamati oleh Pdt. Agaton. Karena merasa terharu dengan sikap Andoy yang lugu dan beriman tersebut. Suatu hari ketika Andoy hendak masuk ke Gereja Pdt. Agaton menyapanya.

Bpk. Pdt : "Selamat pagi Andoy, apa kabarmu? Apakah kamu akan ke sekolah?"
Andoy : "Ya, Bapa Pendeta!" balas Andoy sambil tersenyum.
Bpk.Pdt : "Mulai sekarang saya akan membantu dan menemani kamu menyeberangi jalan raya tersebut setiap kali kamu akan menyeberang.
Andoy : Terima kasih, Bapa Pendeta."
Bpk. Pdt : "sekarang apa yang akan kamu lakukan?"
Andoy : "Aku hanya ingin menyapa Tuhan Yesus... sahabatku."

Lalu Pendeta itu segera meninggalkan Andoy untuk melewatkan waktunya bersama Tuhan, tapi kemudian Pdt. Agaton bersembunyi dibalik altar untuk mendengarkan apa yang dibicarakan Andoy.
Andoy mulai berbicara kepada Sahabatnya

Andoy : "Engkau tahu Tuhan, ujian matematikaku hari ini sangat buruk, tetapi aku tidak mencontek walaupun teman2ku yang lain melakukannya. Ayahku mengalami musim paceklik dan yang bisa kumakan hanyalah kue ini.Terima kasih buat kue ini Tuhan!. aku tadi melihat anak kucing malang yang kelaparan dan aku memberikan kueku yang terakhir buatnya.. lucunya, aku nggak begitu lapar. Lihat, ini sepatuku yang terakhir..mungkin minggu depan aku harus berjalan tanpa sepatu. Engkau tahu Tuhan sepatu ini akan rusak, tapi tak mengapa..yang terpenting aku tetap dapat pergi ke sekolah.

TuhanKu kata orang-orang kami akan mengalami musim panen yang susah bulan ini, karena itu beberapa temanku sudah berhenti sekolah. tolong bantu mereka supaya bisa sekolah lagi.

Oh ya, Engkau tahu Ibu memukulku lagi. Sakit sekali, tetapi aku bersyukur karena masih memiliki seorang ibu. Dan rasa sakit ini pasti akan hilang. Lihatlah lukaku ini Tuhan ??? Aku tahu Engkau mampu menyembuhkannya, disini bekas lukanya (Andoy memegang bekas lukanya) Tolong jangan marahi Ibuku ya..??? memang dia sedang lelah dan kuatir memikirkan kebutuhan makanan juga biaya sekolahku .. Itulah mengapa dia memukulku.

Oh ya..Tuhan. aku rasa aku sedang jatuh cinta saat ini. Ada seorang gadis yang cantik dikelasku, menurutMu apakah dia akan menyukaiku?

Ah..bagaimanapun juga aku tahu bahwa Engkau tetap menyukaiku karena aku tidak perlu menjadi siapapun untuk menyenangkan hatiMu. Engkau adalah sahabatku.

Hei.. Tuhan temanku, ulang tahunMu tinggal dua hari lagi, apakah Engkau gembira? Tunggu saja aku punya hadiah untukMu. tapi ini kejutan dan Aku harap Engkau menyukainya.Ooops aku harus pergi sekarang. Selamat siang"

Kemudian Andoy segera berlari keluar dan memanggil Pendeta Agaton.

Andoy : "Pak Pendeta..aku sudah selesai berbicara dengan Sahabatku, Tuhan Yesus, skarang anda bisa menemaniku menyeberang jalan!

Kegiatan tersebut berlangsung setiap hari, Andoy tidak pernah absen sekalipun.

Pendeta Agaton berbagi cerita ini kepada jemaat di Gerejanya setiap hari Minggu karena dia belum pernah melihat iman dan kepercayaan yang murni kepada Allah dan bersyukur saat situasi yang sulit terjadi seperti yang dimiliki Andoy.

Saat hari Natal tiba, Pendeta Agaton jatuh sakit sehingga dia tidak bisa memimpin gereja dan dirawat di rumah sakit. Pengelolaan Gereja diserahkan kepada 4 wanita tua yang tidak pernah tersenyum, mereka selalu menyalahkan segala sesuatu yang diperbuat orang lain.

Hari itu tgl. 25 Desember ketika 4 wanita tua tadi sedang berada di gereja tiba-tiba masuklah Andoy dan hendak menyapa Sahabatnya.

Andoy: "Halo Tuhan..Aku ...'
4 Wanita : "Kurang ajar kamu bocah !!! Apakah matamu tidak melihat kami sedang berdoa ??!!! Keluar.!!!"

Andoy begitu terkejut, karena tidak pernah ia diusir oleh Pdt.Agaton.

Andoy: "Dimana Bapa Pendeta? Dia seharusnya membantuku menyeberangi jalan raya.. dia selalu menyuruhku mampir lewat pintu belakang Gereja. tidak hanya itu, aku juga harus menyapa Sahabatku, hari ini adalah hari ulang tahunNya, aku punya hadiah untukNya ."

Ketika Andoy hendak mengambil hadiah tersebut dari dalam bajunya, seorang dari keempat wanita itu menarik kerah bajunya dan mendorongnya keluar. Andoy sedih, bigung dan setelah berpikir sebentar ia tidak mempunyai pilihan lain kecuali sendirian menyeberangi jalan raya tersebut.

Di situ ada sebuah tikungan yang tidak terlihat pandangan, sebuah bus melaju dengan kencang dan Andoy mulai menyeberang sambil melindungi hadiah tadi di dalam bajunya, sehingga dia tidak melihat datangnya bus tadi. Tiba-tiba brakkk ... (terdengar bunyi gaduh dan bus tadi berhenti mendadak) Apa yang terjadi? ternyata karena tidak bisa menghindari bus besar tadi Andoy tertabrak dan tewas seketika. Orang-orang disekitarnya berlarian dan mengelilingi tubuh Andoy yang sudah tak bernyawa.

Sedih...Saat itu entah darimana munculnya tiba-tiba datang seorang pria berjubah putih dengan wajah yang lembut namun penuh dengan air mata, ia memeluk tubuh Andoy dan menangis.

Orang-orangpun heran, mereka penasaran lalu bertanya;

Orang-orang : " Maaf Tuan, apakah anda keluarga bocah malang ini ? Apakah anda mengenalnya ?"

Dengan hati yang berduka ia segera berdiri dan berkata : "Anak ini namanya Andoy, Dia adalah sahabatku."

Lalu diambilnya bungkusan hadiah dari dalam baju Andoy dan menaruh didadanya. Dia lalu berdiri dan membawa pergi tubuh Andoy. Kerumunan orang tersebut semakin penasaran...

Malam itu, Pendeta Agaton menerima berita yang sungguh mengejutkan. Dia berkunjung ke rumah Andoy. Ketika Pdt. Agaton bertemu dengan orangtua Andoy ia bertanya; "Bagaimana anda mengetahui putera anda meninggal ?" Ibu Andoy menjawab sambil menghapus airmatanya: "Seorang pria berjubah putih yang membawanya kemari." Pdt. Agaton bertanya lagi: "Apa katanya ?"

‎"Dia tidak mengucapkan sepatah katapun. Dia sangat berduka. Kami tidak mengenalnya namun dia terlihat sedih, sepertinya Dia mengenal Andoy dengan baik. Tetapi ada suatu kedamaian yang sulit untuk dijelaskan mengenai dirinya. Dia menyerahkan anak kami dan tersenyum lembut. Dia membelai rambut Andoy dan mencium keningnya kemudian Dia membisikkan sesuatu" Jawab ayah Andoy.

Pdt.Agaton ; "Apa yang dikatakannya ?"

Ayah Andoy menjawab; " Dia berkata Terima kasih buat kadonya. Aku akan segera berjumpa denganmu.engkau akan bersamaku." Dan sang Ayah melanjutkan, "Anda tahu kemudian. semuanya itu terasa begitu indah.. aku menangis karena bahagia .. aku tidak dapat menjelaskannya, ketika Dia meninggalkan kami ada suatu kedamaian yang memenuhi hati kami, Aku tahu puteraku sudah berada di Surga sekarang. Tapi Pak Pendeta tolonglah katakan siapakah Pria ini yang selalu bicara dengan puteraku setiap hari di Gerejamu? anda pasti mengenalnya karena anda selalu berada disana setiap hari, kecuali hari ini saat puteraku meninggal¡¨

Tiba-tiba air mata Pendeta Agaton menetes dipipinya, dengan lutut gemetar Pdt. Agaton berbisik, "Dia tidak berbicara dengan siapa-siapa.. kecuali dengan Tuhan Yesus."

Tahukah anda dimana Andoy berada sekarang? Ya ia berada di sorga bersama Tuhan Yesus. Inginkah kita sekalian juga ... berada di sorga nanti ? Ya kita semua menginginkannya.

Andoy memiliki hati yang selalu bersyukur. Walaupun situasi hidup yang dialaminya sulit tetapi ia selalu bergembira karena ia tahu Tuhan Yesus sahabatnya selalu mengasihi dia. Melalui peristiwa tabrakan tadi Tuhan Yesus datang menjemputnya ke sorga.



Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Letter from "Mom n Dad"...

My child,

When I get old, I hope you understand 'n have patience with me
In case I break the plate, or spill soup on the table because I’m losing my eyesight, I hope you don’t yell at me.
Older people are sensitive, always having self pity when you yell.
When my hearing gets worse 'n I can’t hear what you’re saying, I hope you don’t call me ‘Deaf!’
Please repeat what you said or write it down.

I’m sorry, my child.
I’m getting older.
When my knees get weaker, I hope you have the patience to help me get up.
Like how I used to help you while you were little, learning how to walk.
Please bear with me, when I keep repeating myself like a broken record, I hope you just keep listening to me.
Please don’t make fun of me, or get sick of listening to me.

Do you remember when you were little 'n you wanted a ballon? You repeated yourself over 'n over until you get what you wanted.
Please also pardon my smell. I smell like an old person.Please don’t force me to shower.
My body is weak.
Old people get sick easily when they’re cold. I hope I don’t gross you out.

Do you remember when you were little? I used to chase you around because you didn’t want to shower.
I hope you can be patient with me when I’m always cranky. It’s all part of getting old.
You’ll understand when you’re older.
'n if you have spare time, I hope we can talk even for a few minutes.
I’m always all by myself all the time, 'n have no one to talk to.
I know you’re busy with work.
Even if you’re not interested in my stories, please have time for me.

Do you remember when you were little? I used to listen to your stories about your teddy bear.
When the time comes, 'n I get ill 'n bedridden, I hope you have the patience to take care of me.
I’m sorry if I accidentally wet the bed or make a mess.
I hope you have the patience to take care of me during the last few moments of my life.
I’m not going to last much longer, anyway.
When the time of my death comes, I hope you hold my hand 'n give me strength to face death.

'n don’t worry..
When I finally meet our creator, I will whisper in his ear to bless you. Because you loved your Mom 'n Dad.
Thank you so much for your care.
We love you. ! ♥


Monday, October 3, 2011



Anak perempuan kecil yang malang ini memberitahukan ibunya,"Mama, aku baru saja melukis memakai lipstik mama".

Ibunya yang mendengar hal itu lalu melihat lipstik mahal yang baru saja dibelinya telah tinggal setengah dan wajah dan tangan dan baju anak perempuan telah belepotan dengan lipstik tersebut. Dengan sangat marah, ibu itu mengamuk dan memukul anak perempuan kecil yang malang tersebut tanpa menghiraukan tangisan dan jeritan dari mulut kecilnya.

Kemudian setelah berhasil melampiaskan emosinya, ibu ini baru sedar bahawa anak perempuannya sudah tidak bergerak lagi. Ia pun menggoncangkan tubuh anaknya sambil menangis dan memohon agar anak perempuannya membuka matanya.

Tapi terlambat,..... jantung anak perempuan itu telah berhenti berdetak.
Dan saat sang ibu melihat ke cadar tempat tidur anaknya, disitu tertulis sebuah tulisan dengan tinta lipstik merah yang tertulis: "Mama, aku sangat mencintaimu".



Wednesday, September 28, 2011


New number from Bruno Mars ~ It Will Rain



This is a Story...Please read this!

Hi, Mommy.

... ...I'm your baby. You don't know me yet, I'm only a few
weeks old. You're going to find out about me soon, though, I promise.
Let me tell you some things about me. My name is John, and I've got
beautiful brown eyes and black hair. Well, I don't have it yet, but I
will when I'm born. I'm going to be your only child, and you'll call me
your one and only. I'm going to grow up without a daddy mostly, but we
have each other. We'll help each other, and love each other. I want to
be a doctor when I grow up.

You found out about me today, Mommy! You were so excited, you couldn't
wait to tell everyone. All you could do all day was smile, and life was
perfect. You have a beautiful smile, Mommy. It will be the first face I
will see in my life, and it will be the best thing I see in my life. I
know it already.

Today was the day you told Daddy. You were so excited to tell him about
me! ...He wasn't happy, Mommy. He kind of got angry. I don't think that
you noticed, but he did. He started to talk about something called
wedlock, and money, and bills, and stuff I don't think I understand
yet. You were still happy, though, so it was okay. Then he did
something scary, Mommy. He hit you. I could feel you fall backward, and
your hands flying up to protect me. I was okay... but I was very sad
for you. You were crying then, Mommy. That's a sound I don't like. It
doesn't make me feel good. It made me cry, too. He said sorry after,
and he hugged you again. You forgave him, Mommy, but I'm not sure if I
do. It wasn't right. You say he loves you... why would he hurt you? I
don't like it, Mommy.

Finally, you can see me! Your stomach is a little bit bigger, and
you're so proud of me! You went out with your mommy to buy new clothes,
and you were so so so happy. You sing to me, too. You have the most
beautiful voice in the whole wide world. When you sing is when I'm
happiest. And you talk to me, and I feel safe. So safe. You just wait
and see, Mommy. When I am born I will be perfect just for you. I will
make you proud, and I will love you with all of my heart.

I can move my hands and feet now, Mommy. I do it because you put your
hands on your belly to feel me, and I giggle. You giggle, too. I love
you, Mommy.

Daddy came to see you today, Mommy. I got really scared. He was acting
funny and he wasn't talking right. He said he didn't want you. I don't
know why, but that's what he said. And he hit you again. I got angry,
Mommy. When I grow up I promise I won't let you get hurt! I promise to
protect you. Daddy is bad. I don't care if you think that he is a good
person, I think he's bad. But he hit you, and he said he didn't want
us. He doesn't like me. Why doesn't he like me, Mommy?

You didn't talk to me tonight, Mommy. Is everything okay?

It's been three days since you saw Daddy. You haven't talked to me or
touched me or anything since that. Don't you still love me, Mommy? I
still love you. I think you feel sad. The only time I feel you is when
you sleep. You sleep funny, kind of curled up on your side. And you hug
me with your arms, and I feel safe and warm again. Why don't you do
that when you're awake, any more?

I'm 21 weeks old today, Mommy. Aren't you proud of me? We're going
somewhere today, and it's somewhere new. I'm excited. It looks like a
hospital, too. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, Mommy. Did I tell
you that? I hope you're as excited as I am. I can't wait.

...Mommy, I'm getting scared. Your heart is still beating, but I don't
know what you are thinking. The doctor is talking to you. I think
something's going to happen soon. I'm really, really, really scared,
Mommy. Please tell me you love me. Then I will feel safe again. I love

Mommy, what are they doing to me!? It hurts! Please make them stop! It
feels bad! Please, Mommy, please please help me! Make them stop!

Don't worry Mommy, I'm safe. I'm in heaven with the angels now. They
told me what you did, and they said it's called an abortion.

Why, Mommy? Why did you do it? Don't you love me any more? Why did you
get rid of me? I'm really, really, really sorry if I did something
wrong, Mommy. I love you, Mommy! I love you with all of my heart. Why
don't you love me? What did I do to deserve what they did to me? I want
to live, Mommy! Please! It really, really hurts to see you not care
about me, and not talk to me. Didn't I love you enough? Please say
you'll keep me, Mommy! I want to live smile and watch the clouds and
see your face and grow up and be a doctor. I don't want to be here, I
want you to love me again! I'm really really really sorry if I did
something wrong. I love you!

I love you, Mommy.

Every abortion is just…

One more heart that was stopped.

Two more eyes that will never see.

Two more hands that will never touch.

Two more legs that will never run.

One more mouth that will never speak.

If you’re against abortion,Like and share this


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Pada 17hb September lalu , Salib Belia (SYD 3) telah selamat tiba di Chapel St.William.
Salib tersebut dijadualkan tiba di chapel kami pada pukul 5 petang . Tetapi disebabkan ada sedikit masalah , rombongan dari Santa Maria Ratu , Bangkahak telah lewat samapi ke Chapel iaitu pada pukul 7 malam. Seawal 4.30 petang , umat telah mulai datang ke chapel untuk bersama-sama menyambut Misa Salib Belia yang dimisakan oleh Rev.Fr.Federic Ben Raymond.

Hampir seminggu persiapan telah dibuat oleh belia dan juga umat yang lain. Antara persiapan tersebut adalah mebuat pembersihan kawasan chapel, dalam dan luar chapel, merangka rancangan pada hari tersebut dan banyak lagi. Bagi belia sendiri ialah persiapan dari segi liturgi , koir , peralatan audio visual, peralatan musik, mazmur , dan macam-macam lagi, dan yang penting persiapan dari segi rohani dan jasmani untuk menyambut Tuhan Yesus yang telah bangkit dari Salib tersebut telah lama dilakukan.Pelbagai permohonan dan luahan yang telah dirancang mungkin untuk dititip di hadapan Salib terseut.

Salib SYD yang disambut itu sebenarnya meng war warkan bahawa akan ada perhimpunan besra bagi belia-belia Sabah pada tahun hadapan iaitu di Toboh , Tambunan. Persediaan awal ini diharapkan akan menyemarakkan lagi semangat para belia agar dapat menyediakan apa yang diperlukan sempena SYD 3 di Tambunan kelak.

Tepat pada pukul 7 petang , dengan ditemani hujan yang renyai-renyai , rombongan Bangkahak telah selamat tiba di chapel St.William , para belia dan umat di St.William telah sedia sepenuhnya memikul tanggungjawab selama mungkin 15 jam sebelum Salib tersebut diserahkan ke destinasi seterusnya di Chapel St.Dominic Tambulion. Salib tersebut telah disambut dengan umat yang agak banyak dan dengan iringan okestra tradisional iaitu Bertitik ataupun Mohnuntung dalam bahasa Dusunnya.

Belia dari Santa Maria Ratu , Bangkahak kelihatannya gembira dan kepuasan jelas diwajah mereka serta umat-umat dari Bangkahak. acara seterusnya ialah Misa dan sebaik sahaja Misa telah tamat , jamuan pun diadakan bagi menyambut rombongan dan juga umat St.william sendiri.


Acara seterusnya ialah persembahan yang dipersembahkan dari Santa Maria Ratu, Bangkahak dan seterusnya persembahan balas dari belia St.William. Tiada informasi yang memberitahu kami akan ada slot persembahan , jadi belia St.william terpaksa membuat persembahan 'terjun' iaitu membuat tarian Suamzau sahaja. Acara diteruskan dengan persembahan yang diajar dari belia St.Edmund yang hadir bersama.

Menjaga Salib

Belia yang lain datang semula ke Chapel selepas balik untuk membersihkan diri pada pukul 9.30 , bukan belia sahaja tetapi umat-umat yang lain pun turut datang. Ada yang datang semata-mata ingin berdoa di hadapan Salib tersebut untuk memanjatkan doa-doa dan permintaan. Bagi belia sendiri , aktiviti-aktiviti seperti nyanyian , belajar aksi lagu tema , dan latihan untuk persembahan juga dilakukuan. Rancangan untuk menonton wayang tidak dapat dilakukan kerana kesuntukan masa. aktiviti-aktiviti belia diberhentikan pada pukul 3.30 pagi , dan diminta untuk merehatkan diri , iaitu tidur kerana keesokan paginya Salib tersbut akan dihantar ke destinasi seterusnya.

Menghantar Salib ke Chapel St.Dominic Tambulion

Seawal 9 pagi umat telah berkumpul di chapel untuk bersama sama menghantar salib SYD 3 ke chapel St.Dominic Tambulion , seramai lebih kurang 50 orang dari rombongan St.William telah selamat sampai ke chapel St.Dominic Tambulion pada pukul 10.10 pagi , rombongan St.William disambut dengan meriah dan penuh kegembiraan oleh umat di sana. Seterusnya Misa diteruskan oleh Rev.Fr Wiandigool. Selesai sahaja misa , umat dijemput makan di Dewan chapel , dan seterusnya persembahan-persembahan dan perkongsian dilakukan. Acara di St.Dominic Tambulion selesai pada pukul 2.00 petang. Semua belia letih dan tidak cukup tidur , tetapi wajah-wajah kepuasan dan keseronokkan adalah yang terpancar.

Hidup di dunia ini ,kita tidak dapat mengelak daripada kesusahan. Seperti Tuhan Yesus yang memikul salib beliau ke Bukit Golgota. Kesusahan ataupun penat lelah belia dalam melayani Salib Belia pada hari tersebut tidak lah sia-sia begitu sahaja, kerana saya percaya Tuhan memberkati setiap peribadi yang meluangkan masa dalam melayani Salib Belia pada malam itu dan hari seterusnya , bagi saya sendiri, walaupun tidak dapat turut serta dalam persiapan seminggu tetapi jiwa dan semangat untuk membuat persiapan dan menyambut salib Belia itu di sini (tempat kerja)adalah amat berkobar-kobar dan penuh kesungguhan dan tidak sabar-sabar, kerana saya percaya Tuhan mempunyai caraNya sendiri untuk menunjukkan keberkatanNya terhadap yang bersusah payah , menyumbangkan tenaga, wang ringgit dan apa jua jenis sumbangan.
Tuhan memberkati kita semua.

Jika panjang umur , kita akan berjumpa di SYD3 2012 di Tambunan. Jumpa di sanaaa.


Sunday, July 17, 2011


Dear God please send me somebody who'll care!
I'm tired of running, I'm sick with despair.
My body is aching, it's so racked with pain.
And Dear God I pray as I run in the rain'

That someone will love me and give me a home.
A warm cozy bed I can call my own
My last owner neglected me and chased me away
To rummage in garbage and live as a stray.

But now God I'm tired and hungry and cold.
And I'm afraid that I'll never grow old.
They've chased me with sticks and hit me with stones
While I run in the streets just looking for bones!

I'm not really bad God, please help if you can.
For I have become just a "VICTIM OF MAN!"
I'm wormy Dear God and I'm ridden with fleas
and All that I want is an owner to please!

If you find one for me God, I'll try to be good
I won't run away and I'll do as I should.
I don't think I'll make it to long on my own,
Cause I'm getting so weak and I'm so all alone.

Each night as I sleep in the bushes I cry,
Cause I'm so afraid God, that I'm gonna die!
And I've got so much love and devotion to give,
That I should be given a new chance to live.

So Dear God PLEASE, PLEASE answer my prayer
And send me somebody who WILL really care?


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It's a Wonderful Life

By Leandra Lynch, MD,
from Medical Economics

Fresh out of residency, I moved to Woodland Hills, Calif., to take a job in a small community hospital's emergency department. As the newest member of the group, I got last dibs on shifts. No one wanted to work on Christmas Eve, so the shift went to me. I kissed my family goodbye and went off to spend the night in the hospital. It was a thankless job.

At 9 p.m., the ambulance brought in a man in his 60s who was having a heart attack. His face was pale, gray, and he was frightened. In the early '80s, clot-busting drugs weren't generally available. My patient was unstable, but I did my best and he hung in there. Eventually we were able to move him out of the ER and into the ICU. Before I left in the morning to spend Christmas with my family, I stopped by to see how he was doing. It was still touch and go, but he had survived the night and was sleeping.

Emergency physicians don't have continuing relationships with patients like other doctors. We get the suddenly sick, the wounded. Often they're scared. Sometimes they're angry at us, just because we're there. They pass through our hands and out the door. We rarely see them again. I thought no more about my heart patient. The following year, still the newest member of the group, I got Christmas Eve duty again and dragged myself off to work. At 9 p.m. sharp, the ward clerk told me there was a couple in the lobby who wanted to speak with me.

Spreading Light

When I approached them, the man introduced himself as Mr. Lee and said, "You probably don't remember me, but last Christmas Eve you saved my life. Thank you for the year you gave me." He and his wife hugged me, handed me a small gift, and left. I was more than a little surprised -- and touched.

The following year a new doctor had joined the group, and my family was delighted that I could stay home Christmas Eve. But I wanted to see if Mr. and Mrs. Lee would return. This time, I volunteered for the shift.

I kept an eye on the door. Once again, at exactly 9 p.m., the Lees appeared, carrying a snugly wrapped bundle. It was their new grandchild. We all embraced, and Mr. Lee said he'd come see me every Christmas Eve, and that if he didn't come, well, I would know that it just wasn't his year.

I worked the emergency department for the next ten Christmas Eves, and though I treated a great many trauma patients, there was never anyone quite like Mr. Lee. Each year at exactly 9 p.m. he'd appear, twice with new grandchildren. One year he came with a great-grandchild.

Mr. Lee, his family and I spent 13 Christmas Eves together. In the later years the staff all knew about the ritual and would work to give me time with him in the break room. In this small space cluttered with bulletin boards, the coffeepot, a microwave and refrigerator, we spent a half-hour each Christmas Eve.

The last year I saw him, he brought me a gift. I carefully unwrapped the package and found a crystal bell inside. It was engraved with a single word: Friendship. Mr. Lee died the next year, the year I moved to Crested Butte, Colorado. Now, my family, friends and I ring that bell every Christmas Eve at exactly 9 p.m. and offer a toast to the man who didn't forget.

Taken : RDAsia


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kecemasan dan Ketakutanmu, Serukanlah PadaNya!

“Tuhan mendengarkan, apabila aku berseru kepadaNya.” (Mzm 4:4)

Bacaan Kitab Suci : Mazrnur 3 dan 4

Yerusalem Bible memberi judul Mazmur 3 ini sebagai doa pagi dan Mazmur 4 doa malam. Kedua Mazmur ini mengungkapkan keyakinan kepada Allah dan sebagai doa kepercayaan.

Mazmur 3 ialah doa kepercayaan pada waktu menghadapi bahaya atau ketika merasa tertekan. Pemazmur dikelilingi oleh musuh-musuhnya yang mengejeknya, “Baginya tidak ada pertolongan dari Allah” (3:3). Tetapi pemazmur itu mengetahui lebih baik: Tuhan adalah perisai bagi orang yang berseru kepadaNya (3:4-5). Apapun yang terjadi pada pemazmur, tidak ada yang perlu ditakuti (3:7).

Siapakah musuh Anda saat ini? Mungkin bukan orang dari luar yang membunuh kita. Namun jika kita bertanya kepada diri sendiri, “Aku takut tentang apa? Aku kuatir tentang apa?”, kita mungkin membuka bagian-bagian hidup kita yang perlu kita pasrahkan kepada Tuhan.

Mazmur 4 ialah tentang percaya kepada Tuhan, yaitu kepercayaan yang membuat kita dapat tidur dengan tenang pada malam hari, meskipun banyak hal yang dapat membuat kita tidak dapat tidur. Yesus mengajarkan kepada kita bahwa kekuatiran itu tidak ada gunanya: “Jangan kuatir tentang hidupmu atau tentang apa yang akan kamu makan. Siapakah di antara kamu yang karena kekuatirannya dapat menambah sehasta saja pada jalan hidupnya?” (Mat 6:25, 27). Kita tidak perlu kuatir, karena Bapa kita di surga tahu kebutuhan kita (Mat 6:32) dan kita yakin bahwa Ia memelihara kita. Itulah pesan Yesus dalam sabdaNya di atas bukit dan itulah yang diwartakan oleh Mazmur 4.

Berdoalah dengan Mazmur 4 sebagai doa kepercayaan Anda sendiri kepada Allah dan kemudian lanjutkanlah doa Anda dengan kata-kata Anda sendiri. Katakanlah kepada Allah hal-hal apa yang membuat Anda cemas.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Powerful music, God Bless Us .


Istirehat Bagi Yang Lelah

Matius 11:28
“Marilah kepada-Ku, semua yang letih lesu dan berbeban berat, Aku akan memberikan kelegaan kepadamu”

Bacaan Alkitab Setahun: Amsal 21; Efesus 4; Pengkhotbah 6-7

Sedikit orang yang tahu bagaimana cara beristirahat di hari-hari ini. Bahkan di saat liburan, banyak orang memaksakan diri sedemikan rupa sebelum mereka kembali bekerja, dimana mereka menghabiskan dua kali ganda tenaga untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan surat-surat yang sudah bertimbun selama mereka tidak masuk. Banyak dari kita memerlukan liburan hanya untuk beristirahat dari liburan kita! Mungkin kita telah mencari istirahat di tempat-tempat yang salah.

Yesus berkata, “Marilah kepada-Ku....Aku akan memberi kelegaan kepadamu.” Seperti halnya kedamaian, istirahat dan kelegaan hanya dapat ditemukan di satu tempat, dari satu sumber, dan itu adalah Tuhan Yesus Kristus.

Yesus memberi kita istirahat yang sesungguhnya, kepercayaan diri yang kita perlukan, untuk keluar dari rasa frustasi dan kekacauan di sekekeling kita. Beristirahatlah di dalam Dia dan jangan khawatir dengan apa yang akan terjadi di depan. Yesus Kristus sudah mengurus hari esok.


Monday, March 21, 2011


Ulangan 33:27
"Allah yang abadi adalah tempat perlindunganmu, dan di bawahmu ada lengan-lengan yang kekal. Ia mengusir musuh dari depanmu dan berfirman: Punahkanlah!"

Bacaan Kitab Setahun: Mazmur 80; Roma 8; Ulangan 7-8

Lengan-lengan yang melindungi mengungkapkan kelemahlembutan yang penuh kasih dari Bapa di Surga. Di tengah masalah dan kesulitan, manusia memerlukan tempat perlindungan. Tempat untuk bersembunyi. Tempat di mana tak seorang pun dan tak satu pun dapat menyentuhnya.

Ketika Anda sedang dalam situasi yang susah, ucapkan kata-kata ini, "Tuhanlah Tempat Perlindunganku!" Lakukan berulang kali sampai perkataan tersebut meresap ke dalam jiwa Anda. Perkatakan itu terus sampai Anda memahaminya. Sampai Anda yakin bahawa tidak ada yang dapat membuat Anda takut.

Hayatilah kata-kata itu bukan hanya sampai rasa takut Anda hilang, tetapi sampai Sukacita mengalir masuk. Yakinlah bahwa Lengan Allah tak mengenal lelah dan sangat aman. Lengan-lengan yang kekal itu telah teruji dari zaman dahulu kala dan tetap berkuasa sampai hari ini.

Allah adalah tempat terbaik untuk berlindung di kala taufan badai menyerang kehidupan kita.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Birds and Wings

An old legend says that God first created birds without wings. Sometime later, God made wings and said to the birds, "Come, take up these burdens and bear them." The birds hesitated at first, but soon obeyed. They tried picking up the wings in their beaks, but found them too heavy. Then they tried picking them up wit their claws, but found them too large. Finally one of the birds managed to get the wings hoisted onto its shoulders where it was possible to carry them.

To the amazement of the birds, before long the wings began to grow and they soon had attached themselves to the bodies of the birds. One of the birds began to flap his wings and others followed his example. Shortly afterwards, one of the birds took off and began to soar in the air above.

What had once been a heavy burden now became the very thing that enabled the birds to go where they could never go before...and at the same time, truly fulfill the destiny of their creation. The duties and responsibilities you count as burdens today may be part of God's destiny for your life, the means by which your soul is lifted up and prepared for eternity.

Don't be afraid of pressure. Remember that pressure is what turns a lump of coal into a diamond. You know the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:3,4


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tsunami Strikes Japan

It was 4 in the evening (11th march 2011) when i first aware that another Tsunami hits our fellow country Japan , and after the struck i able to watch the breaking news and video on YouTube that broadcasting live , an update actually in my office and i was like, this is unreal and my heart racing faster when a breaking Malaysia news mentioned that people in Labuan and Sabah must be alert and keep away from beaches as Meteorology Department released a warning to stay away from beaches from 6pm to midnight.I managed to update that breaking news at my Facebook to warn as many people as i can.

Actually i have no intention to write about this , but i was kind a hot and mad how people in Malaysia reacted with this situation that i can described it as a very very bad nightmare for Japan. When people in Japan sorrowfully mourning their family , friends , relatives and everybody that affected or lost their soul , here in Malaysia mostly they expressed it with sympathy and prayed for the victims , BUT in this horrible situation there are heartless people or parties that stupidly , insanely , or should i say 'P***MAK PUNYA URANG" showed their concerned by making statement like an uneducated person and its not helping at all . For an example is this Malay actor Fizz Fairuz made a twit in his twitter like this "Where all the Ultramen,power rangers and Doraemon in this terrible Tsunami situation in Japan"?....even in his statement mentioned Power Rangers , Power Rangers is not from Japan , its US shows...double stupid...what a mentality , if i ever see you in my sight, you will taste my Selipar Jipun,...another moron is Berita Harian's cartoonist , how educated but with uneducated thought. So so not being sensitive.

In this situation , all we can do is pray for Japan for their soon recovery and be strong to face all of this , we trust in our God Jesus , they will through this with our supports and pray and as well our donations if any.We also pray for sustainable peace in our country.Amen.

See that group of people wiped by that giant wave made me feel very sad.


The Generous Vegetable Seller

After the morning hustle and bustle, the atmosphere at Tai-tung county’s Central Market quietens as every stall shuts for the day and their owners return to the comfort of their homes. A lone lamp shines on a vegetable stall. With head bowed, Chen Shu-Chu silently sorts out the vegetable leaves as she waits for the occasional afternoon customer. Decades of hard work have caused the fingers on the right hand to curl and joints to swell; her feet have deformed slightly.

Chen leads her life with a daily routine – waking up at three in the morning, she makes her way to the vegetable wholesaler and sets up her stall, which she tends till seven or eight in the evening. Being the first to arrive and last to leave, the other stall owners have fondly given her the title of ‘market manager’.

Chen's frugality has allowed her to donate over $3000,000 to many charitable causes. Photo: Marc Gerritsen

In the dark and damp market, Chen, nearing her sixties, holds the stall her father left her dearly. Yuan-Jin Vegetables is her everything. With her vegetables selling at “a bundle for 30 dollars, three bundles for 50”, Chen earns only marginal profits. Yet, her frugality has allowed her to donate about NT$10 million ($321,550) towards various charitable causes, including helping schools, orphanages and poor children.

The selfless generosity of a woman with such humble income has placed her under the international spotlight. In March, Forbes magazine named her one of 48 outstanding philanthropists from the Asia-Pacific region. A month later, TIME magazine selected the year’s top 100 influential people and Chen emerged under the ‘Heroes of Philanthrophy’ category. Fellow Taiwanese and Oscar-winning director Lee Ang wrote her entry personally. “Money is only worthy if given to those in need,” he quoted Chen. He also wrote, “Amazing, but of all she has given away, her greatest gift is leading by example.”

Despite the honour of receiving the TIME award in New York, gaining global recognition, and a personal meeting with President Ma Ying-jeou, all Chen really cares about is her vegetable stall. If not for President Ma and the foreign minister personally convincing her to go, she would not have agreed to visit New York as she felt “this is not a competition and I did not win anything”. Amid the frenzy of applying for a passport and preparing for the visit, Chen’s main concern was that her regular customers would not get their vegetables.

Chen has become a celebrity in Taitung county. Local authorities decorated her stall with congratulatory posters and banners hailing her as the ‘Pride of Taitung’ and the ‘Model of Philanthropy’. There are fans who turn up at the stall with a vegetable basket and a camera, hoping for a picture with Chen. Despite all the attention, Chen remains humble. “I have done nothing extraordinary and everyone who wants to can do it. There are many other charitable people; we just don’t know about them.” Chen, who is unmarried, adds, “I do not place great importance on money. When I donate to help others, I feel at peace and happy, and I can sleep well at night.” She also feels for the poor having experienced hardship in her younger days.

Born in 1950, Chen lost her mother after completing her primary school education. Her mother was admitted to hospital due to difficulties in labour and the family had to pay an insurance of NT$5000 ($160) before medical attention could be granted. Chen saw her father asking their neighbours for money but it was too late to save her mother. The eldest daughter in the family, Chen had to grow up overnight. She gave up her studies and dedicated her life to helping at the vegetable stall.

When she was 18, her younger brother fell sick and the illness dragged on for over a year, gradually depleting the family’s savings. Doctors suggested the family send her brother to Taiwan National University Hospital, but how could they afford the fees? Huang Shun-zhong, a teacher at Ren-ai Primary School, started a donation drive. Unfortunately, her brother could not be saved.

After experiencing the kindness bestowed upon her family, Chen made up her mind to help the poor once she was able. When her father passed away 17 years ago, Chen, a devoted Buddhist, generously donated NT$1 million ($32,140) to Fo Guang Shan Monastery. In 2000, she donated NT$1 million to her alma mater, Ren-ai Primary School, to set up an “Emergency Relief Fund” to help poor children obtain financial help.

Assisting in the setting up and maintenance of the fund is Li Guorong, who teaches Chen’s nephew. In 2001, Li had a plan to build a library for the school and estimated the cost to be between NT$4 million and NT$5 million. When he approached Chen, in the hope that she might contribute NT$50,000, Li was shocked when Chen said she would fund the entire project. While the school was sceptical, Chen was determined. In May 2005, the two-storey library was completed and named “Chen Shu-Chu Library” in honour of the ‘Vegetable Market heroine’ alumnus. She had donated NT$4.5 million.

Chen’s ability to donate such large sums of money has led many to ask, How can a mere vegetable seller earn so much?

“Spend only what you need, and you’ll be able to save up a lot of money!” says Chen. Since 1996, she has been donating NT$36,000 ($1150) to help three children in the Kids-alive International organisation. To achieve this, Chen explains that she empties her loose change into three little cardboard boxes at home every night. “This is a simple act that can be done by anyone, isn’t it?” says Chen.

Chen leads a very simple life without any luxuries. Neither does she have any desire for material gains nor any form of enjoyment. Work, she says, is her enjoyment. “I love my work. If I didn’t, would I be able to work 16 hours a day?” All she needs is food and a place to sleep. Everything else is a luxury.

Has business improved after winning the award? “Business is as usual,” Chen says. “I still need to sell my vegetables, not much has changed.” Advertisers have approached her to film commercials, financial managers have offered to manage her finances and other well-wishers have offered to donate money. Chen rejects these advances politely. “It is easy to return borrowed money, but difficult to return a favour,” she says.

“My philosophy in life is simple: If doing something makes you worried, then it must be a wrong thing. If it makes you happy, then you must have done the right thing. What others say is not important,” says Chen. She is content with what she has and feels that as long as she “lives a life she wishes for and does the things she wants, that is good enough”.

Taken from


Monday, March 14, 2011

Chris Median - What Are Words

Everyone should be like Chris Medina.

You don't need to win American Idol to achieve your true talent and success. You have already won the hearts of millions people in the world, including mine.


Sunday, March 13, 2011


“ Kemudian ia ingin mati, katanya: ‘Cukuplah itu ! Sekarang, ya Tuhan, ambillah nyawaku, sebab aku ini tidak lebih baik dari pada nenek moyangku.’” 1 Raja-Raja 19:4b

Di masa-masa sukar seperti sekarang ini banyak orang mengalami tekanan hidup yang sangat berat, sehingga mereka menjadi frustrasi, kecewa, dan putus asa. Keadaan inilah yang dimanfaatkan Iblis untuk membisikkan hal-hal negatif ke telinga mereka. Banyak orang Kristian yang dapat berkata, “ Segala perkara dapat kutanggung di dalam Dia yang memberi kekuatan kepadaku.” ( Filipi 4:13 ). Namun, firman itu tidak terukir di dalam hatinya sehingga ketika kesulitan atau permasalahan datang mereka pun lupa akan firman itu. “ Segala perkara dapat kutanggung.. .” bukanlah karena siapa kita ini, tapi karena kita memiliki Dia yang lebih besar di dalam kita, yang memberi kekuatan kepada kita.
Pengalaman hidup Elia dapat kita jadikan pelajaran yang sangat berharga. Di atas gunung Karmel ia mengalami kemenangan yang begitu gemilang atas nabi-nabi Baal. Ia berhasil membunuh 450 orang nabi Baal. Dan ketika Izebel mendengar bahwa Elia telah membunuh semua nabi Baal, Izebel menyuruh seorang suruhan mengatakan sesuatu kepada Elia, “Beginilah kiranya para Allah menghukum aku, bahkan lebih lagi dari pada itu, jika besok kira-kira pada waktu ini aku tidak membuat nyawamu sama seperti nyawa salah seorang dari mereka itu.” ( 1 Raja-Raja 19:2 ). Ternyata, ancaman Izebel ini menjadi 'senjata' efektif untuk melemahkan Elia, padahal Elia adalah seorang nabi Allah yang besar dan baru saja mengalahkan semua nabi Baal dengan pertolongan kuasa Allah yang luar biasa. Hanya kerana mendengar ancaman Izebel Elia menjadi tawar hati. Ia mengalami ketakutan yang luar biasa, melarikan diri ke padang gurun dan duduk di bawah pohon serta berkata, “ Sekarang, ya Tuhan, ambillah nyawaku,...”

Peristiwa ini tak ubahnya seorang Kristian yang baru saja mengalami pertolongan dan keajaiban Tuhan serta menang dalam peperangan iman, lalu Iblis kembali menyerang dengan pencubaan kecil. Kita yang seharusnya tetap berdiri kuat malah menjadi panik, takut dan ragu akan kuasa Tuhan !

Kita memiliki Yesus yang luar biasa dan Mahasanggup. Tidak ada alasan untuk kalah kerana masalah yang ada !


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rumusan Krismas 2010

Perayaan Krismas merupakan satu perayaan yang ditunggu tunggu umat Kristian seluruh dunia.Tidak ketinggalan bagi belia-belia St.William Kg.Tempasuk 1 ataupun lebih sinonim dipanggil SWAY .Krismas merupakan 1 perayaan yang sungguh diberkati, bukan saja atas kelahiran juruselamat manusia iaitu Tuhan Yesus, bah kan merupakan hari kesatuan.Mengapa saya katakan 'hari kestauan' adalah kerana musim ini lah para anak jati Kg.Tempasuk 1 akan balik ke kampung halaman masing-masing untuk meraikan perayaan ini disamping keluarga tercinta.Masa ini lah para belia yang belajar ataupun bekerja akan berrebut-rebut mengambil cuti walaupun sekadar cuti yang pendek,tapi cuti selama seminggu cukuplah melepaskan kerinduan di kampung.

Bagi belia SWAY sendiri,seawal bulan November bahang Krismas sudah dirasai,iaitu latihan Karoling telah dimulakan,semua belia yang berkesempatan ataupun yang berpeluang untuk mengikuti latihan ini akan turut serta.Karoling tahun 2010 juga ada melibatkan pelajar-pelajar sekolah minggu yang turut sama memeriahkan lagi Karoling.Belia SWAY memulakan acara Karoling pada 6hb Disember seramai 57 orang termasuk kanak-kanak sekolah minggu.Sungguh meriah sekali,kanak-kanak yang turut serta pun kelihatan begitu 'excited' sekali.

Acara seterusnya iaitu,tradisi belia SWAY tetap diteruskan iaitu 'Travel with SWAY" dimana kami telah memilih Taman pertanian Sabah di Lagud Sebrang sebagai destanisai percutian kami.Pada 10-12 Disember SWAY seramai 37 orang rombongan telah 'memporak perandakan' taman pertanian Sabah.Percutian tersebut sangat bermakna bagi belia kami kerana disanalah terjalin silaturahim yang lebih rapat dan telah mewujudkan suasana yang sangat seronok.Rombongan tersebut selamat pergi dan balik ke Kg.tempasuk 1 walaupun terdapat sedikit halangan seperti tayar pancit dan lain-lain.

Acara karoling disambung selepas percutian tersebut sehinggalah 21hb Disember.Belia SWAY seterusnya memfokuskan kepada Perayaan Krismas 2010 Peringkat Chapel St.William, dengan menghadiri berberapa Mesyuarat.Selain itu,acara diteruskan dengan aktiviti sukanneka pada 21hb di Padang SK.Tempasuk 1,pelbagai acara telah diadakan yang melibatkan kanak-kanak, belia-belia,bapa-bapa dan ibu-ibu.Pada waktu malamnya pula, belia sibuk untuk Latihan Koir untuk di Chapel dan juga Koir di Paroki St.Edmund dimana, belia SWAY terpilih untuk mengetuai Koir untuk Christmas Eve Mass.Kali terakhir belia SWAY diundang untuk mengetuai Koir adalah pada tahun 2007.

Selama 5 hari sebelum Krismas, banyak aktiviti yang telah dilakukan oleh belia-belia SWAY antaranya ialah menghias Chapel,membersihkan chapel,menghias dewan dan juga pada malam sebelum Natal ataupun Christmas Eve,acara tradisi belia SWAY iaitu tukar-tukar hadiah wajib diadakan.Sambil-sambil menghias dewan dan berlatih bagi persembahan-persembahan untuk keesokannya nanti, inilah acara wajib belia setiap tahun.

Krismas pada 25hb Disember kali ini memang meriah,walaupun perasmi yang seharusnya merasmikan Perayaan Krismas pada tahun ini tidak dapat datang dengan alasan yang tidak diketahui oleh kami sendiri,jadi acara pada tengah hari tersebut terpaksa mula agak lewat akibat menunggu perasmi perayaan kami ini,..akhirnya tiada perasmi,tapi dunia tidak berakhir kerana acara tetap diteruskan dengan aktiviti-aktiviti yang lain.Buat Pertama kalinya dalam sejarah perayaan Krsiams chapel st.william,acara pada malam tersebut tamat pada 10.30 malam...kebiasannya ialah pada 7 malam ataupun paling lewat pukul 7.30 malam.Tapi malam tersebut memang happening dengan kesportingan semua umat untuk bersama-sama meraikan perayaan tersebut hingga 10.30 malam...hehe yala sebab,orang mau tunggu cabutan Tiket bertuah tu kan.

Selepas sahaja Krismas peringkat Chapel St.William, acara diteruskan dengan pergi ke open house umat yang ada,selain itu belia SWAY ada juga pergi berkelah di tepi pantai dan pergi memanncing dan pergi ke kenduri kahwin orang-orang kampung....

New Year 2011.....oh! i'm gettin old...

Tahun baru kali ini tidak diraikan seperti biasa di Chapel kerana keesokannya itu ada kenduri kahwin di rumah orang kuat Chapel St.William, manakala acara lain juga ada di tempat ahli-ahli SWAY yang lain.Jadi kami raikan New Year di rumah rakan sahaja sampai la ke subuh huhuhu.....mcm pub pn ada jugak tu itu sebagai party perpisahan ramai2, sebab lps ni semua pn kembali ke kerja masing-masing dan yang pergi study.....Apa-apa pun Krismas tahun ini sangat lah meriah,yang penting dpata bersama-sama dengan rakan-rakan dan keluarga....Amen.


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